Thankful Heart

Looking at social media, I feel like Thanksgiving has been all but skipped. In the stores it is all about Christmas and has been for a while. Why are we in such a hurry? I really enjoy every holiday. Time goes by fast enough without any help. I am not sure how I ended up being 52? THAT went by fast. So why not enjoy the moments as they occur? Even the weather here in Texas skips seasons. We rarely get a meaningful fall. Don’t get me wrong, I am a planner but I don’t think we should be wishing our lives away. We are blessed in this life and should take advantage of what time we have.



Thanksgiving teaches us to be thankful. So, let’s spend November being thankful. There is always something to be thankful for even if it is something small. I try to find beauty in small things every day. I love seeing the deer on my drive to work, or a beautiful sunrise. Even though it’s the same field I see every day, I see it differently and take a pic.


I am fortunate enough to live at a lake and there is an overabundance to be thankful for. The life sustaining water. The beautiful views. The hours of summer entertainment. The wildlife. The list is endless. The colors at the lake are so vibrant. I am always in awe of the sunrises and the sunsets.




It takes a conscious effort to slow down a bit and take in the precious moments but it is worth it. It doesn’t cost anything and is soul cleansing. Before we get into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I urge you to take a moment to take in your surroundings. Be thankful for what you have. Greet each day with a thankful heart. Enjoy your family and friends.


Be the reason someone smiles today!